
Winchester, Virginia

A cost-effective solution was required to reduce the need for future rate increases.

为了给纳税人提供利益, Frederick-Winchester Service Authority (FWSA) needed to leverage project cost savings to cover its debt service. As a result, FWSA selected proven partners to deliver infrastructure improvements at the Opequon Water Reclamation Facility to stabilize rates for its customers and promote economic development in the Winchester, Frederick-County area.


The project team designed a facility that will produce methane gas which will meet more than 50 percent of the treatment plant’s electrical needs. The Green Energy Facility will also be equipped to harvest phosphorus from the wastewater stream, a rare element that is an essential ingredient for fertilizer and crop production.


In addition to being a great example of the government striving for operational efficiency and advancing sustainable infrastructure solutions, 环境也受到积极影响. The facility includes a new sludge dewatering process that reduces the use of chemicals and amount of biosolids hauled by approximately 50 percent.

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哈斯克尔的协调工作非常出色, 他们对质量的承诺和对安全的关注也是如此. The plant staff was very pleased with minimal impacts on daily operations, 通过详细的MOPO计划和清晰的沟通实现."

Jesse Moffett

哈斯克尔的协调工作非常出色, 他们对质量的承诺和对安全的关注也是如此. The plant staff was very pleased with minimal impacts on daily operations, 通过详细的MOPO计划和清晰的沟通实现."

Jesse Moffett

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