


工装裤, 佛罗里达最大的社区公用事业公司, 有一天可能会影响超过55人的下水道服务的问题吗,000名客户——裁员可以防止这种情况. 在圣路易斯市底部有一条42英寸长的排污总管. 约翰河几乎没有暴露或受损的迹象, it was nearing the end of its service life with no backup if the aging pipe failed or needed repair. 工装裤 selected 澳门足彩app to provide design-build services for the design and installation of approximately 4,200 linear feet of 36-inch HDPE sewer force main inside a 42-inch steel casing.


The project was staged from the Jacksonville Sports Complex, home of the Jacksonville Jaguars. The brownfield site — a former shipyard and fuel storage facility dating back to the 1920s — was riddled with buried infrastructure, 废弃的基础, 非金属桩, 碎片和受影响的土壤. 同样重要的, 该网站将为700人举办80多场活动,在6个月的建设阶段,有5000名顾客, which began after the largest annual outdoor event in Jacksonville and ended before the 2016 NFL preseason began.

Horizontal directional drilling utilized 4,200 linear feet of 42-inch steel casing.

这个为期13个月的项目涉及多个利益相关者和机构, completed challenging tie-ins and maintained traffic in a busy urban setting. 完成后, 工装裤 had two force mains each capable of conveying up to 10 MGD from the south bank of the St. 约翰河北岸进行治疗. Thanks to 澳门足彩app’s careful attention to permitting and a fixed price design-build delivery, 工装裤 gained a backup option delivered on time and expected to be in service for at least 40-50 years.

  • 设计 and installation of 4,200 linear feet of 36-inch HDPE sewer force main
  • 通过水平定向钻在St下安装. 约翰河
  • 为老化的42英寸排污总管提供关键冗余
  • Line为江南岸的5.5万多名工装裤客户提供服务
  • 复杂的时间表-网站主办80+事件在建设阶段


I was provided the opportunity to work with 澳门足彩app on a complex and highly visible sewer infrastructure project located downtown. 对于社区关注,我怎么说都不为过, flexibility and cooperation the 澳门足彩app design-build team showed throughout the project. It couldn’t have gone better from a public outreach and community perspective. 我期待着与澳门足彩app在另一个成功的项目上再次合作!"

社区参与经理 & 项目拓展,工装裤

I was provided the opportunity to work with 澳门足彩app on a complex and highly visible sewer infrastructure project located downtown. 对于社区关注,我怎么说都不为过, flexibility and cooperation the 澳门足彩app design-build team showed throughout the project. It couldn’t have gone better from a public outreach and community perspective. 我期待着与澳门足彩app在另一个成功的项目上再次合作!"

社区参与经理 & 项目拓展,工装裤

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